Nuclear Science and the Fuel Cycle


Learn about the background to nuclear technology, examine how nuclear energy is used and understand the fuel cycle. Covering all aspects of civil and defence nuclear technology and their uses before moving into an overview of the fuel cycle from extraction to long-term waste storage and means of re-using spent fuel.

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Learn about the background to nuclear technology, examine how nuclear energy is used and understand the fuel cycle. Covering all aspects of civil and defence nuclear technology and their uses before moving into an overview of the fuel cycle from extraction to long-term waste storage and means of re-using spent fuel. This course will be delivered by an experienced nuclear professional who will guide the delegates through this complex topic using simple language. Technical theory will be illustrated through practical examples and discussion points.

Course Modules:

Nuclear Energy – An overview of how nuclear fuel is used to generate heat and the uses to which this is put including electricity generation

Nuclear Defence – Looking at naval propulsion and the UK’s weapons programme

Nuclear Medicine – Discussing the uses of radioisotopes for medical diagnosis and treatment

Nuclear Fuel – Walking through the fuel cycle from extracting raw materials through refinement and enrichment to productive use and eventual treatment of waste materials.

Target Audience:

  • People looking to gain an understanding of the difference between nuclear and other technologies
  • Experienced professionals transitioning from other industries to nuclear
  • Individuals working in supply chain companies entering the nuclear industry who want to ‘come up to speed’ on the sector

​Course Format:

  • One day intensive
  • Interactive and discussion-based
  • Led by experienced industry professionals


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